04. namibia: Sue Dark Blue – 2003

In 2003, Theatre Embassy joined forces with Krater, to train the “edutainment-team” of the Red Cross Society Namibia in the project Sue Darkblue; a project offering a positive focus on colour/ culture- differences amongst people. The edutainment team was empowered with a method of integrating theatre, puppetry and visual art.
The project, which was executed in a large number of primary schools in Namibia aimed to create more awareness by scholars on the importance of basic human values such as tolerance, self-confidence and respect; hereby stimulating positive contact and acceptance among the different communities of Namibia.
Partner organisation: Red Cross Namibia – www.redcross.org.na
Director and trainer: Fre Hooft van Huysduynen en Marion Visser
Local artists: 7
Volunteers: –
Target group: Children
Audience: 4000
Performances: 1
Participating Organisations: Theater Krater, Red Cross Society Namibia
Finances: Kerk in Actie, HIVOS.
Theme: Education