17. el salvador: Se Vende Aire – 2005

In April 2005, two young cooperators of Theatre Embassy began working with theatres in two different countries: Renée Fleuren went to honduras to work with the Arte Acción Cultural Association, and Jasper Hogenboom went to El Salvador to work with Tiempos Nuevos Teatro (TNT).
During the five months, the volunteers created two plays, together with two groups. Renée Fleuren made a play with eight young people from Teatro Cristal (part of Arte Acción). Jasper Hogenboom created a play with three young men from New Times Theater. The two theatre groups began to work on the same theme: ‘discovering'. In a collective work SHA! Was born in Honduras and SE VENDE AIRE in El Salvador.
In the first week of September 2005, the exchange took place between Honduras (Arte Acción), El Salvador (Tiempos Nuevos Teatro) and the netherlands (Renée Fleuren and Jasper Hogenboom). During the exchange, the theatre groups presented their plays, made a new play together and the organizations had an institutional exchange.
Partner organisation: Tiempos Nuevos Teatro
Place: El Salvador, Tchalatenango
Executors TE: Jasper Hoogeboom
Local artists: 3
Target group: Youngsters
Audience: 3000
Presentations: 5
Volunteers: 3
Participating Organizations: Arte Accion, Red Maraca
Finances: ICCO, Theatre Embassy
Theme: sexuality & gender