07. bolivia: La Asamblea de los Dioses del Agua – 2003

The gods surround us. They see it come and go, are always present. They keep a close eye on people, although they are often not aware of this. Man no longer has contact with nature and the honouring and respecting of the gods no longer happens. The water gods of the pre-Columbian civilizations are angry with this. They see how the seas are fished empty, how sources are polluted and how the rain is acidified. The water gods decide to come together to see what they can do with their own resources.…
In 2003, the Theatre Embassy left for Bolivia with 3 Dutch theatre-makers. In collaboration with theatre group Trono from Bolivia they worked on the production for three months: Asamblea de los Dioses del Agua: “Conference of the Water Gods“. This collaboration resulted in a mobile show that travelled through the high and lowlands of Bolivia for a month and a half. This spectacular theatre performance was brought to the netherlands especially for the Mundial and Oerol Festival.
Partner organisation: Teatro Trono/ COMPA
Place: Bolivia, El Alto La Paz
Director: Berith Danse
Building and design: Guido Bever and Thera Hillenaar.
South-South: 1 Nicaraguan, 1 Peruvian.
Local Artists: 10
Volunteers: 2
Target group: general audience
Audience: 22.000
Presentations: 42
Participating Organizations: CMC, Festival Mundial en Oerol festival.
Finances: CMC, Stichting Doen, Dutch Embassy La Paz, Stichting Haella, HIVOS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, NCDO, Gered Gereedschap.
Theme: Water
DVD: La Asamblea de los Dioses del Agua, 35 minutes by Anna Spohr