Proyecto Desierto
42. Peru: Proyecto Desierto – 2008

The city of Tacna is located in the large, dry and desolate Atacama Desert in southern Peru. Like many other empty, deserted places in the world, people live as best they can. This deserted …
42. Peru: Proyecto Desierto – 2008
The city of Tacna is located in the large, dry and desolate Atacama Desert in southern Peru. Like many other empty, deserted places in the world, people live as best they can. This deserted …
41. Peru: Takora/ E.scena 310 – 2008
In Peru, art is seen as a hobby and not a profession. Malgorzata Haduch was sent abroad as Theatre Ambassador to Tacna, in the south of Peru. She collaborated with Deçiertopicante, a …
40. Bolivia: Tierra Espiritual I – 2008
In a world of globalization, indigenous forms of expression are under pressure, disappearing rapidly or have been handed over to the tourist industry. Many forms of indigenous rituals and community practices are part …
39. India-Assam: The Power of Puppetry – 2008
In the countryside in Assam, Sukra Rabha led his theatre group Bandung Duppa. Inspired by the native dances and rituals, he developed a new form of theatre within the region’s own …
38. Netherlands-South Africa: No Man’s land – 2008
No-man’s land is a theatrical meeting between young people from Amsterdam and Cape Town on issues of prejudice, conflict and reconciliation. The performance could be seen between 13th and 28th September 2008 …
37. Indonesia: Titik Koma – 2008
One of the agreements that we as a world had made jointly in our Millennium Development Goals was to halt the spread of HIV / AIDS, malaria and other diseases. The project, called Titik …
36. Indonesia: Camar/ Seagull – 2008
At TheaterLab Garasi, Theatre Ambassador Corinne Manara gave workshops and worked towards a performance. At the end of April and the beginning of May the time had come; an adaptation of Seagull by Anton …
35. Senegal: Dieuna Diaffe / Op hoop van zegen – 2008
Op Hoop van Zegen (1900) is a typical Dutch story about the harsh conditions of the fishermen and their families who were only instruments in the hands of rich …